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4 Highlights To Explore in Entebbe, Uganda

Entebbe, the city on the Victoria Lake and the starting points for most of the travels with it's airport.

Transportation from The Airport To The Center

Arriving at Entebbe airport, people will annoy you and don't stop. You will meet many taxi drivers following you and offering high prices. We experienced that being friendly doesn't work, so saying 'thank you' in Luganda and avoiding eye contact is the best option. Still, you have a few options if you need transportation to town. A taxi should be around max. $15 / 40.000 UgS. There is a huge range, though. It always depends on your gambling and how accepting the people are.

If you arrive during the day, it's worth walking a bit outside the airport and taking a Boda Boda, the motorcycle taxi. Those are the cheapest options. They might take you for approx. 6.000 UgS.

Things To Do in Entebbe

Entebbe is a small town, probably not very attractive for tourists. However, we spent around five days relaxing and spending time with local friends there. In general, visiting tourist attractions such as the Botanical Garden or the Wild Conservation Area might be exciting but has high dollar prices. Instead, you'll find more attractive places in Uganda that offer better variety.

Viktoria Lake

It is a part of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. In Entebbe, you can access it over the beaches or enjoy the view from a rooftop or some streets. Swimming is only allowed in the beach areas; the other zones are dangerous because of potential crocodiles and poisoned algae.

White Sand Beach & Banga Beach

Two beaches just beside each other directly on Victoria Lake. Beautiful and suitable for swimming - food and drinks are a bit more expensive but still ok. They have a pool table, a barbeque, and a sand beach to relax. Although, depending on the mood of the security guard, you have to pay for entrance, often just because you are a tourist, locals are free. It was always fun spending time there. Showing your white skin is a new feeling in an African public swimming area. Lots of eyes follow you, and there will be some pretty soon if you don't have company.

Uganda Wildlife Conservation Area

Take a stroll around this refugee area and sanctuary for wild animals. Ugandan people pay around $1, tourists $10 per person - only card payment is possible. This zoo offers many different animals injured before and are recovering now. It is an excellent activity to spend around 1 hour, although you could save that money to visit a natural and more attractive national park.

Victoria Mall

It suits people who love shopping, walking around, and sneak peek into African culture and clothing style. Don't forget to negotiate for the best price.

Do you want to learn more about Uganda, its cities, and things to explore? Check out other blogs here.


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