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Hike up the Vinicunca Mountain, Peru

Vinicunca is the most colorful mountain in Peru with a very high attitude. It even challenges every sportive person with its steep and long hike up. But on the top you will have a crazy view, Lamas and Alpacas waiting for you and even some meat and tea to take a rest.

First: Don't forget to take your passport, you will get a free stamp at the top of the mountain.

We got a one-day trip for approx. 160S overall. You have to pay additional entrance fees of 25S pP at the entrance gate. The bus picked us up at 4:15 am from the hotel. Besides us, there were only local tourists and no people outside of South America. The drive to the mountain and hiking start point takes around 4 hours. After the first 3 hours, we have a tasty breakfast at a restaurant. The last hour of the drive is in the mountain area, with narrow, curvy dusty roads with a fantastic view.

Reaching the place, our tour guide gave a short introduction about the hike, and then we could start walking. The hike takes around 2 hours one way and is very exhausting. The altitude is 5.000 m /12.000 ft above sea level, turning the whole expedition into a challenge. It is still possible to make it with breaks, water, cocoa tea, and good wishes. The alternative would be to take a horse for approx. 20S. But, reaching the top by yourself is worth it. The view is incredible, the wind cold, the eyes of the hikers glowing. Everyone tries to get the best pictures - you can also include Alpacas. The hike back is way more relaxing, going downhill after a short rest. On the way back, they even served us great lunch. We reached our hotel at 5 pm. In the end, the trip was a great experience, especially for that price. We were so tired that we went to bed right away. Some rest is needed!

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