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Things-to do in Lima, Peru

Lima is the capital of Peru and an up-and-coming place to visit. Besides that, it offers excellent wave conditions and surf spots for surfers.

One and a half days here were ok. Because of curfew, the nightlife was closed either way and walking around the whole day was enough to cover lots of places and enjoy local dishes.

I was positively surprised by that city. The weather is cold, foggy, and cloudy here in June. However, it is full of life, activities, and places to visit. It's one of the best places in South America for surfers with unique conditions and clean waves. People are doing sports in every park, playing football, games. Along the coast, there are two sidewalks, one for strollers and one for bicycles skaters. In addition, you have a great view of the Pacific Ocean and lots of tasty food shops along the way.

Basilica y Convento de San Francisco - Catacombs

You have to take a tour to see the catacombs and only 10 S p.p. An English guide showed us through the majestic, impressive Baroque architecture of the Basilica. You explore one room after the other, including a great library and romantic yards with roses. Finally, you are ending in the catacombs, full of 25.000 human bones from Colonial times, flimsy light, and cold stones. This church shows you an essential Peruvian culture with unique hand-painted tiles. The tour takes around 30 min and is impressive for everyone. Compared to some German castles, the rooms here are full of things to see and explore and worth a visit, not boring at all.

Plaza San Martin

Full of police and pigeons. But the most representative places and part of the historic center in Lima. During Corona times, it was full of police surrounded by construction areas. In the center, the Monument to José de San Martín is located, a proud sculpture - Jose is sitting victoriously on a muscular horse.

Park Of Love

Directly on the coast, lovely design and an excellent option to have a walk, relax and watch people. Also, you can grab food from the stores nearby, sit down on one of the mosaic benches and enjoy the view of the ocean.

Cerro San Cristobal

Because of Covid, there was no bus to reach the top of the mountain. We took a Tuk Tuk for 20 S that took us up and backed down again later. My best experience in Lima. Even the road uphill is fascinating - you can see old abandoned houses, cottages, and even tents as a home for poor people. We thought about walking there, but in the end, I'm happy we took the Tuk Tuk, the declination is high, and people seemed to be a bit sneaky and mysterious. Reaching the top feels great. Looking over the whole city, breathing in the cold fresh air feels like freedom.

Faro La Marina

It's just a lighthouse from 1972 but was part of our walk along the coast.

Bridge Of Sighs

It is full of local tourists at our time, taking pictures, celebrating a wedding. Nothing special itself, but the area itself is worth a visit, the Barranco district.

Barranco District - Street Art

Walking around this neighborhood will light up your day and urge you to take pictures in every corner. Colorful, lively, huge art pieces of art can be found everywhere and want to be encountered.

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