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The Tanzanian Transportation System

Tanzania is using Tuk Tuks! That is a massive difference to Uganda, where you can only move around by taxi, bus, or Boda Boda. So new possibilities are opening up - time to check it out.

Like other African countries we can choose between the following kinds of transportation. Each of them has pros and cons, and it always depends on your needs what fits best.

Bus/ Matatu

In all the towns you will find a busy, crowded bus station and they won't stop begging you to enter and get a ticket to the next town. But, with negotiating and comparing prices, the prices are okay.

E.g., from town to town (around 2 hours) in a Matatu ~ 7.000TSH / 2,70€

Covering longer distances as from Arusha to Dodoma (7 hours) ~ 15.000TSH / 5,80€

Boda Boda (motorcycle taxi)

Short drive single person ~ 1.000TSH / 0,40€

Short drive two people ~ 3.000TSH

Long drive single person ~ 1.500TSH / 0,60€ (+ 20min.)

Long drive two people ~ 5.000TSH / 2€ (but varies a lot depending on the distance)

During Corona, they had road closures in some parts of the country. So the Boda Boda driver needed to be sneaky and avoid those. Because as a foreigner, it was officially not allowed to move around due to the Lockdown situation. Just be aware of it and plan with it. The locals might warn you to pass the road closure by foot and take a Boda Boda after. If they don't, better ask your driver to avoid that point. Some drivers are friendly. Some don't care.

Tuk Tuk

A step in between the Boda Boda and the Matatu. Pretty lovely, you can hide inside and sneak to the outside. It might be more comfortable for most travelers. Regarding the price, it is more expensive compared to Boda Boda. The amount of people doesn't matter. Usually, a maximum of three can fit without luggage or backpacks.

One ride (around 15 min.) ~ 8.000 TSH

Bicycle taxi

It is the slowest, most fun, and cheapest way to travel. We saw this option only in Tanga and used it many times. Only possible for one single person. They even have comfy seats you can sit on and handles you can hold on. You will often see kids too offering this service. So sometimes better to choose a driver in advance that can carry your weight.

One ride (10-20min) ~ 500TSH / 0,20€

Private taxi

It's private, and some people would consider it safer. I would call it way too overpriced. Starting from $20 from one town to the other city, you can haggle around a lot. Those are easy to find. Mostly parked near the bus station, they will start talking to you immediately and obviously with their big 'Private Taxi' signs.

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