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Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

This park in Uganda is right on the border to the Democratic Republic of Congo. It offers attractive water wildlife.

The National Park Service today exemplifies one of the highest traditions of public service. ~ Steward Udall

What do I see?

I actually had high expectations for my first Safari in a National Park in my life. So I was expecting to see a high amount of wild animals, pure desert and lots of lions. But, for sure things change and it was not this overwhelming. Driving through the park is fun but we didn't see a lot.

On land, we met mostly antelopes and buffaloes, different kinds of birds, and hippos in the water. Either we picked a bad day or it is in general calm over there - we didn't see that much wildlife. Also the bushes are thick and it is very easy for animals to hide. Still, it is amazing and exciting to drive around and look outside. Keep in mind, the drive is long - we spent around 6 hours there on one day, so you sit a lot in the car. It is tiring pretty fast. Having a guide was obligatory.

The best part was the Lake Eduard close by to the Nationalpark and the Kazinga Kanal. Driving there you will find a spot to get a boat tour. On this tour, I have seen as many elephants as I would never see after. The whole area is full of elephant groups, you will see lots of families with their babies. And also experience lots of Hippos relaxing in the water. We got so close, it was almost scary. It was breathtaking, and way better then in the national park itself. This tour was approx. 20.000UgS per person and totally worth it. It takes around 1 hour.

How much to pay

Keep in mind there are multiple fees to pay to enter a Nationalpark. First, the entrance fee itself: approx. 165.000Ugs per person. Second, the obligatory guide: approx. 40.000UgS. Plus, if you have your own car it is perfect. Otherwise, you either have to rent a car in Fort Portal or book a tour with a tourist safari jeep. Not sure how much that costs, but it would be the double price without a doubt. On top of that, the entrance ticket counts only for one day/ 24 hours. So you can also enter the park two or three times as long it is in between those 24 hours. In the end, you can book extra tours, like tracking birds or crocodiles, hippos. Those tours are really expensive with approx. another 200.000UgS per person. I thought it is not worth it in case you get the chance to see more national parks that offer more or better wildlife. In addition to all of that don't forget to add your stay in Fort Portal or the food and snacks you'll bring.

How much time should I spent there?

We had a guesthouse in the small cosy town close by called Kasese. From there it was only around 30 minutes to the Nationalpark entrance and saves up good time for driving back and forward. Looking at the cons on the top I would recommend one 24 hour ticket for the park. Also, we went there in May and it was very hot over there, so it was good starting the first day around 4 pm, spending there the rest of the day, and then entering the park again the next day from the early morning. So you get some rest in between and it is not too much driving in a short period. The second day after leaving the park you can do the boat tour and drive back to Fort Portal.

Do you want to learn more about Uganda, its cities, and things to explore? Check out other blogs here.


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