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How To Feel Being A Real Minimalist

Traveling for a long time forces you to sort out your things, possessions, obsessions and your memories attached to material. Most of the things we like to keep for emotional reasons, the thought of essentiell need or dependency. But what happens if you loose all of it? If you let go and free yourself?

“Happiness doesn't refer to things you own. Neither to the amount you possess them. Nor to the value you think they might have. In the end, it's all about your thoughts and cutting off burden.”

Living in a nice apartment, a house or in a shared community. There is always space to keep, place, hide and collect items. I had a shelve full of old letters, my first teeth, old presents and for sure lots of clothes. It was a good feeling to go through all of it, to lay down in memories, to think about the good old times. But it made me being present in the past and forgetting about the really important things. Once in a while I decided to clear away the dung - I got the biggest trash bag and filled it up with things I didn't touch for a long time. Maybe it was hurtful the first moment, but actually after two days I forgot was I was throwing away. So it is true, it has not been important.

Being Minimalist is being emotionally confident

Why being dependent on the things you own? Why thinking - I need IT because it is a part of me and my living standard. This mental issue leads to certain unhappiness. You want more. Buy more. To feel more self-confident, to feel more yourself. To feel good because your neighbor has the exact same thing.

The less you own, the more you own yourself as a person.

I got the experience to feel more and more relieved, light, free when I cut off memories and stuff. I couldn't even stop doing it. My shelve got emptier and emptier. And when the time came to start studying abroad, there was not much left to get rid off. I sold, gifted some clothes and items - and had only one 60 liter backpack left - including ALL my belongings.

Being Minimalistic makes you free as a bird

Suddenly I realized how flexible and mobile I am right after. No apartment, only a backpack, no boxes full of things to store and care about at someone's home. It's simply you, and your 60 liters belongings: Two pair of shoes, two shorts, four t-shirts, two long-sleeves and one jeans. Two jackets and yes... I guess that was it (ignoring the technical products).

If you got rid of your clutter your mind is also free. Actually you can easily compare your apartment with your cleanup-situation in your mind. Without clean areas, there is no clean future thinking.

Being Minimalistic makes you moving forward

With no belongings I was ready to look into a bright future, to collect memories, to write them down, to take pictures, to spend more time with friends, meeting new people. Instead of valuing my life with my possessions I could value it with my social connections and the small things. Because those ones stay the longest and are the strongest in future to help you out, even to push you forward.

  • Learn to appreciate the beauty of things without the need of owning them

  • If you buy something new, throw another thing away

  • Spending more money one of piece means more quality means more value for yourself

  • Don't be afraid of tidying out


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