Sitting at home and dreaming about places, countries, learning new languages for this one trip abroad in future. Thinking about it, makes you feel good, happy for a second. But in the end, are you really ACTING and moving forward?
Why Excuses Never Help.
Excuses may seem helpful for the moment but they can't take you out of the loophole. Every negative statement can be changed, over a short or long time. Not having enough money? There are plenty ways to safe up. Not having enough time? What about taking long holidays - doing a one-year working break - quitting your job - getting an online job? Not having courage for leaving? If that is the problem, there is no other way then still doing it, maybe get more inspirations, help, traveling with a friend. What ever it is, finally stepping outside of the house with a flight ticket in a pocket - that is how to start getting over your fear.
Excuses symbolize you are not putting enough energy, time or heart into it to make it work. There are always possibilities, options and solutions. Be smart, be open-minded. And don't block your thoughts.
Have A Plan.
To avoid being disappointed in the end, to have problems, to be stuck it is good to have at least a small plan.
Where do you want to go?
For how long?
What is your budget list?
What activities are offered?
Also, making a plan leads to excitement, happiness and moves you closer to ACTION. So if you are still sitting at home: Every travel thought starts with research and planning.
What If You Are Actually Happy.
Why traveling? I'm happy, I'm satisfied with my life, the things I'm doing. For sure, nobody wants to force people to explore and do some changes. On the other side, often the feeling of being comfortable results out of daily grind, an every day routine. Nothing is wrong about that. But how should you know what you are missing, when you have no clue what is out there?
Every cat will feel super happy at her home, her apartment that she is not leaving but getting amazing food, cozy blankets, lots of cuddles and all the comfort she needs to survive. But actually, if she would know, that the neighbors cat has a garden area to walk around free, she is allowed to access more parts of the apartment and she has a warm place on a sunny window side?
I think the point is clear. In the end we are all happy to a certain amount. We convince ourselves to make the best out of the situation. INSTEAD of changing the situation.
What Is It Good For.
Sometimes I can't describe the feeling. I learned more in those two years of traveling so far then in my three years studies. I got live experience, a few of my closest friends from different countries, the most exciting stories to share, the biggest laughters, the most romantic meetings.
Traveling is enrichment. Stepping outside. Getting to know yourself better. Doing things you don't know how to and you don't like to do. Growing. Exchanging opinions.
What Kind Of Travels.
We all know we enjoy traveling in different ways. You can go on a road trip with your best friend, you can book an all-inklusive stay in a hotel, hitchhiking, backpacking, doing some Workaway or Couchsurfing. And we also know the more challenging the better it is.
I broke up with my boyfriend and flew to America. Being by yourself is perfect. No one to call, to help. No car to take around. Just your backpack and your communication skills. Your own decisions, your own stories.
Or taking your partner and hitting the road. Two people that understand each other, having the same ideas and goals about their travels.
Having no return ticket. I love that fact. How often did I change my travel ideas and stayed way longer in a country because of some spontanaous trips, new connections are just the fact to enjoy being there.