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Ecuador Safety and Mentality

Overall we had very good experiences regarding safety in Ecuador. Still, there are a few things to pay attention to.

Guayaquil was a surprise for us. We arrived in the evening and would be in the middle of crowded street markets. There were pickpockets for sure, but if you care about your valuables, you are fine. However, the shops closed all-around 7 pm. Immediately the streets would be empty, and people walk home. So, in the end, you are sometimes the only person walking on the big open road. It was fine many times. Still, locals would recommend us not to walk around, mainly because there wouldn't be anything to see either way anymore. And actually, we saw young gangs strolling around at night, looking out of the windows of our hostel. I'm sure if they would encounter a young foreigner they would be very interested in the things we might own.

Quito was significant and widespread. But with the same happening in the evening. You wouldn't even see a local walking around at night. I'm sure everything is possible and could be fine, but it is highly likely to meet some robber gangs. Otherwise, we didn't have any problems or incidents to be worried about. A friend of ours experienced the affection of one of the Amazonas tour guides. We hear that often so keep that in mind even though that's something to be solved with the usual human sense.

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